12 Things A Man Should Never Do For A Woman “No Matter How Much You Love Her”

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12 Things A Man Should Never Do For A Woman “No Matter How Much You Love Her” 

By:  Emmanuel M. 

Most men act childish when they are in love, which has cost them a great deal. It is not bad to please a woman but overdoing it makes one stupid. As a man, you must be smart enough to read between the lines to know what’s favorable and what’s not.

We are not saying you shouldn’t be romantic, it is a good thing to be romantic but not to the detriment of yourself and you should know that just because something might be done in the name of love does not make it the right thing to do. These are the few you should try as much as possible to avoid or never be tempted to do for a woman, regardless.
1. Steal For Her

We all know where this will end and someone might have taken your place by the time you are back. Never allow anything to push you to steal to please your woman because if she later finds out you actually stole a gift for her, she might drop you, unless of course, you are in it together like Bonny and Clyde.

2. Pay For Her Education

It is not a bad thing to support her education if you can help but to take full responsibility for everything to your detriment can be dangerous. We are all humans and we change from time to time, most men think funding a girl’s education means they’ll be forever indebted to them, ending up getting married to them but we’ve seen several scenarios where the women will end up finding love elsewhere. This has been suicidal to many men.
3. Buy Her A House When You Don’t Have One

Common sense should tell you, that you should build your dreams together but not favor her and think of yours later. Building a house for a woman when you don’t have one yourself can make you wrong in every way. When she finally jilts you and lives in it with another man. There are many men still biting their fingers over them.

4. Fight Another Man Because Of Her

Fighting because of her doesn’t prove anything. Two things are likely to happen, either the person beats you to a pulp and ends up in the hospital or you will beat the person and end up in jail, either way, you don’t win. Unless it is for self-defense

5. Reject Your Family Because Of Her

A family is everything and no matter what, you can’t reject them because your woman doesn’t like them. It will be very dangerous on your part to reject your family all because of a woman.
6. Change Your Appearance

These days, many men are doing a lot, taking pills to make changes to their bodies all because they feel that’s what women love. Changing you to please a woman means the moment you stop trying she’ll go, ideally, people you be with should love you for who you are.

7. Give Up On Your Dreams To Satisfy Her

So there are many men out there who gave up on their dreams to help their woman achieve theirs or were discouraged by women. These same women dumped them afterwards. Never do this after reading this.

8. Being Over-Submissive

It is nice to be sweet to your woman but always learn to set the records straight and don’t try to always appear weak to her and succumb to all her wishes in the interest of pleasing her. Truth is, women actually hate weak men and will prefer you’re sweet and sour.
9. Starve Yourself For Her

Never forfeit your food for her, at least you can share but to give all to her and go hungry, that’s not love, that’s stupidity.

10. Kill For Her

Never ever even think about executing such an atrocity for a woman no matter how convincing the situation is, because if you end up in jail, another man will take your position.

11. Die For Her, Literally

So many men have committed suicide because of a woman. What’s the sense in it when you’re finally dead and gone. Live to fight another day

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