Prince Harry May Be Waiting To Return To The Palace After The King Dies - Latest News

Prince Harry May Be Waiting To Return To The Palace After The King Dies

There is been so much attention focused on the royal family, especially once Prince Harry left. The feud continues to go on behind the scenes, and it seems like he feels it is a long-term issue.

According to one royal expert, the Duke of Sussex says he may be waiting for King Charles to die before he goes back to Buckingham Palace. This is interesting news, considering the rumors that funeral plans are being put in place while King Charles fights cancer.

Harry has been to the UK for visits but the king hasn’t had much time for him. King Charles says that his schedule has been too full to meet with his son. It seems that things might be off between Harry and his brother, Prince William as well.

Daniela Elser is the royal expert who spoke to the news, reporting that William “has no intention of inviting him to his coronation.” If that is true, it is huge news!

Danielle also feels that William might not be too keen on having Harry to the palace once he becomes king. She said:

“Realistically, the only time that Harry might ever again be allowed to cross any sort of threshold at an actual royal or Windsor family event will be for Charles’ (hopefully many years if not decades from now) funeral. After which, I imagine he will be shown the door only to hear it slam irrevocably and finally behind him.”

The royal correspondent for Daily Beast, Tom Sykes reported earlier this month that things are moving along to prepare for William to take the throne. The news is that it is ‘tearing the royal family apart.’

Tom went on to say that the ‘power dynamic has shifted’ between Charles and William after the cancer diagnosis was given. He said: “Executive power and influence is already flowing William’s way.”

With things up in the air, as they are at this point, it may just be best for Harry to let things cool down before he tries to visit again.

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