Zong 12AM to 12PM Internet Packages Detail 2024

Zong 12AM to 12PM Internet Packages Detail 2024

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Zong 12AM to 12PM Internet Packages Detail 2024

Zong has brought you the Zong 12 AM to 12 PM Internet Package it starts at night from 12 am to 12 pm and consists of 3  bundles GNO, DTO, and Mega data offers. These bundles are very beneficial for those people who work  at night 

GNO internet offer provides 2.5GB (2500 MBs) of data from 1 AM to 9 AM daily for just Rs. 23. You can subscribe to the bundle by Dialing 6464.

DTO internet offer gives you 1.5 GB in 25 Rupees. The timing of this package is 4 Am to 7 pm. The activation code is *47#.

Mega data offer gives 100 GB internet  data from 1 AM to 9 AM data  Rs. 200 for 7 days

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Zong 12AM to 12PM Internet Packages Detail 2024

Package Name                    Data                           Time  

GNO Offer.                          2.5GB                     Timing 1AM to 9AM

DTO Offer.                            1.5GB                         Timing 4AM to 7PM

Weekly Mega                      100GB                  Timing 1AM to 9AM

Zong 12 AM to 12 PM Internet  Packages Categories

  1. Zong GNO Offer
  2. DTO Offer
  3. Mega Data Offer

1. Zong GNO Offer

GNO stands for Good Night Offer. It is also known as Zong Youth offer that gives you  2.5GB (2500 MBs) of data from 1 AM to 9 AM daily for just Rs. 25

GNO Package Details

Internet Data:                                          2.5GB

Timing:                                                    1AM to 9AM

Validity:                                                      1-Day

Price:                                                            Rs. 25.00

Subscription Code:                                     6464

How to activate GNO Offer?

If you want to activate this bundle you have to send an SMS with the code “GNO” to 6464.

How to deactivate GNO Offer?

If  you want to unsubscribe from this offer then simply SMS “unsub dto” to 6464

2. Zong DTO package 

Now you can enjoy the Zong Daytime offer that is available at an affordable price & gives you the fastest internet   Speed during the day.

DTO is also known as  Daily Daytime Offer. The Zong DTO offer timing  is 4AM to 7PM that provides 1.5GB  and 1500 MBs of data  for just Rs. 25

Zong DTO package Details 

Internet Data:                                 1.5GB

Timing:                                            4 AM to 7 PM

Validity:                                               1 Day

Price:                                                      Rs. 23

Subscription Code:                             *47#

How to Subscribe to DTO Offer 

If you want to activate this bundle, then you have to  Dial *47#. This bundle will be activated 

How to Unsubscribe a DTO Offer?

If  you want to unsubscribe from this offer then simply SMS “unsub dto” to 6464


Mega data offer gives you 100 GB of internet data from 1 AM to 9 AM for Rs. 200 for 7 days. The activation code of this Bundt is *808#

Zong Mega Data Details 

Internet Data:                                     100GB

Timing:                                               1 AM to 9 PM

Validity:                                                   7 Day

Price:                                                      Rs. 200

Subscription Code:                             *808#

How to Subscribe Mega Offer 

You can subscribe it by  Dialing *808# code  


Please keep in mind all these packages’ timings  are AM to AM or AM to PM


  1. Advance Income Tax will apply on every recharge.
  2. These internet packages are weekly or daily 
  3. All Zong users can activate these packages 
  4. The Sales tax will apply on usage.
  5. These bundles are auto-renewal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q.1 What are the timing of Zong’s 12 AM to 12 PM Internet Packages?

Zong 12 AM to 12 PM Internet Packages  timings are     

  1.  1 AM to 9 AM
  2.   4 AM to 7 PM
  3.   1 AM to 9 AM

Q.2 What are the limits of Internet data 

  1. GNO Offer gives  2.5GB  data     
  2.  DTO Offer gives   1.5GB data      
  3. Weekly Mega gives 100GB of data

Q.3 What is the price of  internet packages from 12 AM to 12 PM?

  1. GNO price is 23 Rs
  2.  DTO Offer  price is 25 Rs
  3. Weekly Mega package price  is 200 RS

We have discussed with you in detail about Zong internet packages. These are  daily and weekly bundles for those who want  to stay connected  with their friends and relatives.All taxes will be charged as per the current time. LatestPackages.com providing  you complete information of all pakistani & world wide Telecommunication Packages Detail.




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